-Oral medication only
-No laxatives
-Side benefits (no side effects)
- Our complimentary advice on diet and exercise enables you to get rid of not only from constipation but builds you stronger (physique, mind, intellect wise)
Constipation is either acute or chronic condition in which bowel movements occur less or consist of dry & hard stools which are difficult or painful to pass. Bowel habits may vary from person to person, but an adult who didn’t pass stool in three days & a child who didn’t pass stool in four days can be considered as constipated.
Constipation can occur at any age & is more common in the persons who postpone the body’s signal. This happens in children when they start going schools or daycare & feels shy about asking permission to use the bathroom.
Constipation is more common in women than men especially during pregnancy.
Very rarely this may be serious, it may lead to:
· Bowel obstruction.
· Chronic constipation.
· Hemorrhoids (Piles)
· Hernia
· Irritable bowel syndrome
· Laxative dependency
Causes: Constipation may result from not getting enough exercise, not drinking enough water, diet which does not include fiber reach foods like beans, bran cereals, fruits, raw vegetables, rice & whole-grain breads.
Anal fissure, colorectal cancer, depression, diabetes, hypothyroidism, complete bed rest, stress, irritable bowel syndrome, hypercalcemia , chronic renal failure.
Some drugs may also cause the constipation like antacid, antihistamines, aspirin, blood pressure drugs.
A person who is constipated may feel bloated, headache, swollen abdomen, pass hard stool, strain, bleed, pain during defeacation.
Constipation may deal with gastro intestinal tract of the human being however the core understanding of homeopathy reveals that the actual cause is internal and hence homeopathy targets to treat the problem at root level. The treatment is as per the patient’s physical and mental condition and the internal treatment at times is directed to assist recovery in the affected area. Homeopathy tries to carry out the treatment with minimal dosage that stimulates the body of the patient. Though the exact cause is not always known but homeopathy is considered to be one of the most effective ways of treating for constipation.
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